Margot James


Margot James was elected as Conservative MP for Stourbridge on May 7th 2015 with 21195 votes, taking 46.0% of the vote.

Margot James was selected as the Conservative Party’s parliamentary candidate for Stourbridge in 2006 and has been the Vice Chairman of the Conservative Party since 2005. She fought Holborn & St Pancras in the general election of 2005 and served as a councillor for two years on the Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea, where she sat on the Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee.

Margot was born and brought up in Coventry. She attended school in Leamington Spa before going to Millfield School in Somerset. She then went to the London School of Economics (LSE) where she gained a degree in Economics and Government. At the LSE Margot chaired the Conservative Association, was elected to the Student Union Executive and became a governor of the School.

After graduating Margot started work for Maurice James Industries (MJI), a business started by her father in the 1930s. Margot worked in sales and marketing gaining experience in business across the West Midlands.

Margot went on to work for a consulting firm and then in 1986 co-founded her own company, Shire Health, a PR and medical education business. After twelve years running the business Margot sold Shire Health to the WPP Group and was appointed Head of European Healthcare for WPP’s advertising agency Ogilvy & Mather.

She served on the board of Parkside NHS Trust for four years and she has worked as a Mental Health Manager. She spent ten years as a trustee of Abantu, an African women’s charity. She has also worked as a mentor for the Prince’s Trust and Young Enterprise.

At the end of 2005 Margot was appointed by David Cameron to the position of Vice Chairman of the Conservative Party for women’s issues. She formed the Women’s Policy Group under the chairmanship of Eleanor Laing MP and is contributing to the policy review process underway in the Conservative Party. Between 2005 and 2010 she has been the Vice-Chairman of the Conservative Party.

Constituency: Stourbridge

Constituency Address: 15-17 Lawn Avenue, Stourbridge, DY8 3UR

Constituency Tel: 01384 370574

Date of Birth: 1958


Party: Conservative

Personal Website:

Westminster Address: House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA

Westminster Tel: 020 7219 7226

Twitter: @margot_james_mp

Facebook Page: