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BHA: False claims of ‘Christian Persecution’ case – ECHR judgments due tomorrow

Tomorrow morning the European Court of Human Rights (EcHR) will publish the judgements in the the cases of Chaplin v. the United Kingdom, Eweida v. the United Kingdom, Ladele v. the United Kingdom and McFarlane v. the United Kingdom. The applicants, four practicing Christians, complain that domestic law failed to adequately protect their right to manifest their religion. The British Humanist Association (BHA) has repeatedly asserted that domestic courts were right to uphold human rights and equalities law and principles in dismissing cases of alleged discrimination.

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BHA: Government disappoints in failing to deliver its commitment to inclusive ‘faith’ school admissions

The Government has seemingly acknowledged its failure to make progress in its commitment to make religious school admissions more inclusive, the British Humanist Association (BHA) has today observed. The comments come in response to the publication of the Government’s mid-term audit of progress towards its coalition agreement commitments. The BHA is disappointed at the lack of progress.