Countryside Alliance: Bad weather fails to dampen hunts

Countryside Alliance: Bad weather fails to dampen hunts’ determination

Countryside Alliance: Bad weather fails to dampen hunts’ determination

Boxing Day meets were held on 27th December as hunting never takes place on a Sunday, so meets were held over for an extra day.

Countryside Alliance Head of Communications Jill Grieve commented: “This is the biggest date in the hunting calendar and supporters across the country have braved the conditions to show their solidarity for hunts. Obviously the bad weather has been a huge factor and many people have been unable to get to their local meet, but hunts have been delighted by those hardy souls who managed to make it.

“Support for hunting this Boxing Day once again extends way beyond the rural community to include all those many thousands of people who see the Hunting Act as a failed law. David Cameron has consistently repeated the Government’s commitment to a free vote, and his own support for repeal. We cannot expect hunting to be top of the Government’s priorities in these dire economic times, but the eventual delivery of a vote on repeal is a matter of trust. Hunts are in a pragmatic mood this Boxing Day – repeal remains our goal and we are united in moving towards that.”

Countryside Alliance
The Old Town Hall
367 Kennington Road
London SE11 4PT

020 7840 9200