
Let’s Futureproof Scotland’s Infrastructure – ICE Scotland

Let’s Futureproof Scotland’s Infrastructure – ICE Scotland

Let's Futureproof Scotland's Infrastructure – ICE Scotland

ICE Scotland challenge policy-makers to commit to infrastructure, setting out recommendations which will help prepare for the challenges of climate change and population growth.


Scotland has long benefited from forward-looking infrastructure investment.

Good infrastructure underpins the quality of our day to day lives, creating jobs and driving the economy forward.

We must continue to invest so our infrastructure is fit for the future.

Scottish and UK governments must work together to tackle the challenges presented by climate change and population growth, and to ensure there are enough people with the right skills to deliver our infrastructure.

As the voice of infrastructure, the Institution of Civil Engineers has set out a roadmap to help Scotland face these challenges head on.

To ensure resilience, we must:

  • Integrate flood risk strategies into all future infrastructure planning, and safeguard the resources, skills and capacity to deliver flood risk management in the future
  • Move to a system of planned and preventative road maintenance, underpinned by a multi-year investment programme
  • Make full use of expert, scientific and technical advice to develop a sustainable and resilient energy policy

For effective delivery, we must:

  • Undertake  a National Needs Assessment to support the work of an independent Scottish Infrastructure Commission
  • Align strategic plans and delivery at both local and national level
  • Align local transport planning with city region structures, addressing issues of overlap

And to secure skills, we must:

  • Use the Scottish Government’s Infrastructure Investment Plan Project Pipeline to plan for the future, and focus on creating a demand-led skills pool
  • Increase diversity within the construction and engineering industry
  • Support skills which ensure the transition to a low carbon economy.

Implementing this plan will help secure a prosperous, thriving Scotland for future generations.

Our infrastructure needs to able to cope with the demands of a changing climate and growing population. To do this we need a level of investment that we can sustain, and a skilled pool of engineers who can deliver maximum value for money.

Let’s commit to infrastructure.

Join our campaign #Commit2Infra

To find out more visit  ice.org.uk