Many prisoners fear their release date

Many prisoners fear their release date. It’s not what you’d think, is it?

Many prisoners fear their release date. It’s not what you’d think, is it?

Many prisoners fear their release date. It's not what you'd think, is it?

A short animation raising the issues faced by those leaving prison and how the right support can prevent a life of offending. With commentary from those supported by the services.

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Video script

Many prisoners fear their release date. It’s not what you’d think, is it? Finding a job and somewhere to live is a challenge, all while trying to keep on the straight and narrow. Just dealing with a return to everyday life can be difficult, especially if you’ve served a long sentence.

I was scared. Scared about going back into society. When you’re in prison and suddenly they’re opening these big gates and kicking you on the street with a bag with HMP written on the side, yeah, it’s not nice. I’d have rather stayed in that time instead of being released I think. 

Very anxious, a simple word, nervous, anxious, I’d been inside for quite a long time so I didn’t know what to expect when I come out. And paranoid in a way I suppose because you’re used to a slow life in prison and you come out of prison and everything is just chaotic and you have to adjust.

These challenges are major obstacles without the right support. That vacuum of support can easily be filled by old influences leading to drug use, reoffending and life back in the slammer.

A staggering 45% – nearly one in every two – ex cons reoffend and end up back in prison.

That’s where we come in.

At Langley House Trust, we look at the person not the offence. We focus on the circumstances that led to an individual offending and provide the support and tools to help them overcome their difficulties. Many of the people we work with face homelessness, have suffered abuse, have experienced trauma in childhood, are battling addictions or struggling with mental health problems.

We believe our approach of providing strong boundaries whilst building a firm foundation to support and encourage individuals produces long-lasting change and empowers people to live crime free lives.

And it works. We have one of the lowest reconviction rates in the country – just 2.6%. Remember the national average? 

But don’t just take our word for it.

Langley means everything to me. It’s, well, it’s down to me and down to them that I’ve changed my life. I’m working, I’m seeing my daughter more, if it weren’t for them I’d be back in prison for sure.

It’s changed me a lot. It’s made me a better person.

If I hadn’t have went to Langley, the changes of me being recalled to prison were very high and I have no doubt about that.

…I can go to bed tonight knowing that I haven’t hurt anyone today, I can do that, I can wake up tomorrow morning knowing that I done no wrong yesterday.

They saved my life. It’s as simple as that. I mean I could say it 100 different ways but that’s what it boils down to. That’s what they did.

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