Business schools, professional bodies and employers need to keep working together in order to unlock the formidable talent of the next generation

How building bridges with business schools is win, win, win

How building bridges with business schools is win, win, win

How building bridges with business schools is win, win, win

If there's one question that's going to decide the next general election it's the performance of a very complex machine – the British economy.

It looks like everything's going just fine, but we all know this machine could be working a little better.

Peek under the cover and you can see employers need a constant flow of talented new leaders. But it looks like they're not getting as many as they could.

The UK’s best business schools have got just what employers need. Innovative training methods. Up-to-date curriculum. Good links with local firms.

But look at how few employers, especially smaller businesses, are recruiting directly from business schools when taking on first-time managers – it's nowhere near enough! This blockage needs fixing.

These organisations are going to help out.

Let's try improving communication – so local firms better understand what business schools have to offer.

Now, if we just put in a framework allowing more graduates to take professional management qualifications – which three-quarters of employers think is a good idea…

… that should get things flowing more smoothly.

Business schools can oil the process by making is as easy as possible to hire interns and provide work placements..

Employers want to see business-ready graduates – but they have to step up to help make that happen. After all, 89% say they want to see students have meaningful work placements, but only 22% offer work experience!

Those employers will soon see the benefits of these talented students when they open the gates and let them in.

By giving the thumbs-up to applied practical management and leadership skills, they'll soon start benefiting.

Yes! Look at this. The machine isn't just working smoothly again. It's actually growing! Impressive work, eh? Looks like a win-win-win scenario to me.

As the economy changes we'll be making more adjustments in the future. Business schools, professional bodies and employers need to keep working together in order to unlock the formidable talent of the next generation.

That's exactly what we're going to do. You'll find out how in the CMI's latest report developed with ABS and QAA…

The full report showcasing how business schools, employers and professional bodies are building practice into the curriculum and boosting employability can be downloaded at