Questions (Wales)

Oral questions for answer by Welsh Ministers are tabled between five and ten working days before the time scheduled for questions to specified ministers. Thirty minutes per week are set aside for questions to the First Minister (normally on Tuesdays) and at least 15 minutes every four weeks is given over for questions to each Welsh Minister.

Questions tabled with ten days' notice are shuffled randomly to decide the order that they will be taken. Questions tabled on subsequent days are added to the bottom of the list that the 'shuffle' produces. At the scheduled time, the Presiding Officer calls questions in the order that they appear on the list. The Minister responds to the questioner's tabled question.

The questioner may then ask a follow-up or 'supplementary' question on the same subject. After the Minister has responded, other AMs from any party may be called by the Presiding Officer to ask a supplementary on the same subject, with opposition spokespersons given priority. When the chair deems the subject to be exhausted, the next tabled question is called. Questions not reached during question time receive a written answer.

Written questions to specific ministers are tabled in the same manner as oral questions. Answers are normally received in five working days or a holding answer may be given. The official report of answers given in any week is made available on the following Tuesday.