"BASC’s response emphasises that there are no direct substitutes for lead shot"

BASC responds to EU lead shot consultation

BASC has responded to a European consultation on lead shot restating its policy of “no sound evidence, no change”.

The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), an agency of the European Union, has issued a consultation on “the use of lead in shots over wetlands”. The ECHA consultation follows a request from the Commission, with the agency charged to develop an Annex XV restriction dossier on the use of lead shot over wetlands.

The consultation covers the impact of restrictions, the efficiency and safety of alternatives to lead ammunition, and calls for evidence on experiences and compliance with existing regulations and the effects on wildlife and water eco-systems.

BASC’s response emphasises that there are no direct substitutes for lead shot. It highlights that the current laws in the UK are in accordance with the country’s treaty obligations under the African Eurasian Waterbird Agreement (AEWA) and are targeted and proportionate. It also underscores that compliance with the current regulations is near 100% on the foreshore but that there remains more work to do inland. Importantly, BASC’s response emphasises that use of lead shot does not have a population level impact on birds.

BASC is working with other European shooting organisations to ensure that shooting’s interests are properly represented and protected.

Richard Ali, Chief Executive of BASC, said:  “BASC has been robust in its arguments that lead shot is the most effective and humane ammunition. At the same time we work to ensure that the law on the use of lead shot is understood by those who shoot and complied with. We will continue to press for the use of evidence-based policy making and modern methods of risk assessment to be used in Europe as well as in the UK.”