
NASUWT: Dear Prime Minister – open letter to the Prime Minister on trade union ballot announcement

NASUWT: Dear Prime Minister – open letter to the Prime Minister on trade union ballot announcement

Dear Prime Minister,

I noted with interest the announcement today that the Conservative Party will include in its manifesto a commitment to introduce a requirement for a threshold of 50% member turn-out for trade union ballots for the action taken as a result of those ballots to be lawful.

In the recent election of academy headteachers to the Headteacher Boards for England the turnout was 38%. As you are aware, these Boards will have oversight of all academy and free schools in England and clearly the members of the Boards will be performing an important public duty. 

I would therefore welcome your view on whether these headteachers have a legitimate mandate to take on this important role and to make decisions affecting tax payers and their children.

I am copying this letter to the Secretary of State for Education for her information.

Yours sincerely,

Chris Keates(MS)

NASUWT General Secretary