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FSB: Osborne plans small business bank, Tory MP calls for tax cuts, reshuffle, and more

FSB: Osborne plans small business bank, Tory MP calls for tax cuts, reshuffle, and more

Osborne plans small business bank
The Chancellor said this week that he’s looking to create a state-backed small business bank. The FSB welcomes the announcement as we have lobbied for this sort of measure for some time. This is possibly the first step to creating the Small Business Administration we have been calling for. Read the FSB’s comments in the Financial Times and in the Guardian and the Alt+ finance report.

Tory MP calls for tax cuts
Listen to National Policy Chairman, Mike Cherry talking to BBC Radio 5 Live about David Davis’s comments this week where he said that ‘the UK cannot tax its way to recovery’ and how important small firms are to growth. (The interview is at 1.41.48)

Cabinet reshuffled as growth tops agenda
The Prime Minister reshuffled the cabinet this week and announced a new Growth Implementation Committee to help get the economy back on track. The FSB welcomed the initiative, but said it needs to put its words into action. Read the comments in the Daily Mail and on BBC online.

FSB welcomes changes to planning rules
The FSB has welcomed Government plans to relax planning rules in some cases for households and businesses. Almost seven in 10 FSB members have struggled to get planning permission. Read the comment  the press release and the story in The Times.

OFT review welcomed, but fuel tax still needs to be reduced
The Office of Fair Trading has launched a review into the price of fuel. The FSB believes that this is long overdue and with 60 per cent of the fuel price made up of tax that only a true fuel duty stabiliser will help reduce the price. Read the comment.

Business forecasting tips
The Guardian’s Small Business Network this week wrote about the importance of forecasting for small firms, which Mike Cherry was interviewed for.

Are you worried about REACH?
The EU is currently conducting a review of REACH, a European Union regulation concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and restriction of Chemicals. The FSB is concerned that the cost and complexity of complying with the regulations means that many small businesses could lose access to chemicals essential to everyday business use. Email if you believe your business could be adversely affected by the regulations.

Looking to export to East Asia or Poland?
There are two events coming up on 12 September to help businesses get new business in either Poland or East Asia. Both are being held in London, and will give firms a great chance to see what opportunities and assistance are available in the regions. Email indicating which event you are interested in and for more information.

Help to control risks at work
The Health and Safety Toolbox: How to control risks at work is now available from the Health and Safety Executive’s website.

MOTs for light trailers, tractors and historic vehicles proposed by the EU
The EU is considering a new roadworthiness regime which could potentially introduce MOTs for light trailers, tractors and historic vehicles and bring changes for the aftermarket industry. It is very early days for the proposal and the FSB will be submitting views to the Department for Transport next week. Get in touch with your views if you think your business could be affected.

Business Moneyfacts Awards 2013
The Business Moneyfacts Awards 2013 is now open for entries. Visit the website to nominate where you’ve received good service from a broker or bank.

Facebook application to promote Real-Life Entrepreneurs

Add your business to the Real-Life Entrepreneurs application on the FSB’s Facebook Page. You can upload photos and videos and share business tips to promote your business. You can also share the post and get friends to vote to become a featured business.