Police Superintendents

Police Superintendents’ Association welcomes drink-drive recommendations

Police Superintendents’ Association welcomes drink-drive recommendations

Chief Superintendent Alan Horton, Chair of the Uniformed Operations Policing Buisness Area of the Police Superintendents’ Association, said:

‘The PSAEW warmly welcomes the recommendations contained within Sir Peter North’s review, in particular the recommendation to lower the national drink drive limit from from 80mg of alcohol per 100ml of blood to 50mg.

‘This reduction, coupled with the clear and strong message that those who drink (but also those who take drugs) should be subject on conviction to the same mandatory 12 month driving ban for the new 50mg limit, will do much to reduce the further the high loss of life each year on Britain’s Roads.

‘The PSAEW are also supportive of Sir Peter’s recommendations that combined make it easier for police to identify and prosecute drug-drivers by allowing nurses, as well as doctors, to authorise blood tests of suspects.

‘We also welcome the recommendation to withdraw the automatic right within a police station for those whose breath alcohol just exceeds the limit to opt for a blood test. This process, instigated as a safeguard when the breath test technolgy was in its infancy, is no longer necessary and takes up a great deal of police time and resources and now only serves to delay the administration of justice.

‘We urge the Government to adopt these recommendations. Drink and drug-driving cause many unnecessary deaths and horrific injuries every year.

‘These proposals will be backed by frontline officers and assist the Service in tackling this ongoing issue as a priority.’