NARPO: French national health care system

NARPO: French national health care system

NARPO: French national health care system

NARPO calls on the British government to stop proposal by the French President Nicholas Sarkozy to remove ‘inactiv’ British residents from the French National Health Care system.

Proposals by French President Nicholas Sarkozy not to allow the treatment of retired British residents in France within the French Health Care System has created a great deal of uncertainty amongst those affected, many of whom will have to seriously consider there future life plans. The proposal targets ‘inactiv’ residents, those who do not work and are under state retirement age but most if not all British residents in France do assist in supporting local communities through their payment of local rates and taxes and their general economic activity.

Many of these British residents have chosen to live in parts of rural France, renovating property and bringing much needed new life to older dying communities, helping to secure local services and amenities for them and the local French people.

These proposals have come out of the blue and conflict with the expectations of those who have planned to retire abroad within an open Europe so supported by France and the French people.
For many it is impossible to obtain alternative health care provisions.

Those affected by these proposals have also in the main paid national insurance contributions throughout their working lives and will expect the British Government to take action to secure adequate health care provisions on their behalf.