CIOT: Jack Taxable has a profile on Facebook

CIOT: Jack Taxable has a profile on Facebook

CIOT: Jack Taxable has a profile on Facebook

Jack Taxable now has a profile on Facebook. Jack is the youngest child of David and Heather Taxable, The Chartered Institute of Taxation’s very own tax family.

Jack Taxable says: “I thought it would be a good idea to have a profile on Facebook. That way my friends could see what I am up to. I also hope that I will make new friends with people interested in having a career in tax.”

Jack’s profile was part of the launch of Tax Advice Week earlier today.

Tax Advice Week is sponsored by Interactive Data and Pure Recruitment.

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For press information contact Simon Goldie on 020 7245 4122 (direct line), 07879 497316 (mobile). Email

Notes to Editors

The Chartered Institute of Taxation (CIOT) is a registered charity (number 1037771) and is the leading professional body in the United Kingdom concerned solely with taxation. The CIOT deals with all aspects of direct and indirect taxation. Its primary purpose is to promote education in and the study of the administration and practice of taxation. One of its key aims is to achieve a better, more efficient, tax system for all affected by it – taxpayers, advisers and the authorities. The CIOT’s comments and recommendations on tax issues are made solely in order to achieve its aims: it is entirely apolitical in its work. The 14,000 members of the CIOT have the practising title of ‘Chartered Tax Adviser’.

The Institute was established in 1930 and received its Royal Charter in 1994. It is a United Kingdom member of the Confédération Fiscale Européenne (CFE), the umbrella body for 150,000 tax advisers in Europe. As part of its charitable activities, the CIOT also sponsors the Low Incomes Tax Reform Group that works to improve and simplify the tax system so as to make it more responsive to the needs of those who cannot afford to pay for tax advice. The Institute offers the Advanced Diploma in International Taxation as a specialist qualification for international tax practitioners primarily working in corporate tax.